Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The second graders are split up between 3 math teachers this year - Amy, June, and Donovan.  In Amy's math class today we introduced the students to touchmath.  Touchmath is a strategy to encourage the students to "make a picture" of a number in their heads, and to internalize the meaning of a number.  It is also used to help the kids count on and count back. 

This is what touchmath looks like:

On each number, there are dots that correspond to its value.  On the numbers 1-5 we have what we refer to as "single dingles" - dots that represent just one.  On the numbers 6-7, we have both "single dingles" and "double bubbles" - dots with circles around them representing two. 

If your second grader is in Amy's math class, ask them to share more about touchmath with you!  If your child isn't in Amy's math class and you'd like more information about touchmath, send an email and she'd be happy to give you a quick tutorial!

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