Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

What a lovely first day back from vacation! It's nice to have these two days to do a lot of review and ease our way back into the swing of things.

Today in skills, all groups did a lot of review of sounds they've already learned and tricky words. It was a nice refresher for everyone's brain after a long week off.

The kids all wrote about their vacations during writing time today. Some chose to share their writing to the class. It sounds like everyone had a really great time, whether it was through a lot of relaxing or through going away to visit family or have a mini-vacation!

During social skills, the kids started "All About Me" t-shirt drawings. They did this in anticipation of something new we'll be doing in the new year - something I'm calling Fantastic Farmer. This is something like a star of the week in which one child will be the Fantastic Farmer and each day they'll be able to bring in something to share that shows why they're fantastic. They can bring something special, photos of their family, their favorite book, or other things like that. At the end of the week, there'll be a special treat for the Fantastic Farmer!

My goal in doing this is to help the kids embrace and celebrate the things that make them special, even things that make them different. It's important for them to start to learn to understand and respect the things that others value, and how to respond if they don't value or like the same things (the social fake). Plus, it's always nice to feel special and valued!

I hope everyone had a great break! It's wonderful to be back!

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