In skills:
The Organic Squirrels continue to review old sounds and worked on the ck spelling for the /k/ sound. They read the story The Fish about Nat, who bought fish, and the cat who watched the fish.
The Zesty Wombats read the second part of the trickster tale How the Hedgehog Tricked the Hare. They began to work on bossy r with the /er/ sound, but didn't get very far today.
The Screaming Mustaches began to work on spellings for long o. They discovered 5 spellings: o_e (bone), o (no), oe (toe), ow (snow), and oa (goat). They also read the story Miss Baker which was about a teacher that helped a girl learn to be a better speller.
The Ice Dragons read yet another chapter in The Mouse and the Motorcycle.
In writing:
The kids worked on their project journals. They wrote about what they did yesterday in project and how they felt about project. It was fun to see that only about half the kids liked the sweet potatoes, but that almost everyone tried it. I liked reading their reactions.
In social skills:
The kids are having a difficult time building community with each other. Very often, the first graders stick with the first graders and the second graders stick with the second graders. They don't really feel like a cohesive group of kids and I'd really like to see them working together and enjoying each others' company more. Today the kids were split into groups with people they don't usually play with. They had to work together to put puzzles together.
They generally enjoyed the activity. I know they would have liked it more if they got to choose their own groups, but they also did get a chance to see each other in a new light. They saw some strengths from kids who sometimes struggle, and they saw some personality from kids who are sometimes more introverted. I loved watching them work together and accomplish something!
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